The F1 in Schools Learning Channel is a secure learning environment, where schools can run and monitor their own F1 in Schools Courses. Achievement is tracked via the portal, with tutors being able to monitor the progress of individuals and groups.
Launched in February 2016, the innovative F1 in Schools Learning Channel is a dedicated video tutorials portal, which delivers a series of 22 films covering all the judging elements of the highly successful F1 in Schools Technology Challenge. The video tutorials engage with students though their delivery style, with advice from past and present students who have successfully completed the challenge, offering an exciting way of encouraging students to become involved in F1 in Schools.
Download the brochure by clicking here.
Made with students FOR students – featuring hints and tips on how to become a Champion – the F1 in Schools Learning Channel is a definite Winner!
Register for free access to the F1 in Schools Learning Channel by clicking here.