Virtual Wind Tunnel

Virtual Wind Tunnel

The Virtual Wind Tunnel provides an innovative and cost-effective way for schools and colleges to analyse and test their STEM Racing F1 cars.

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Easily Analyse the Aerodynamics

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Simulated CO2 Exhaust Gas

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Monitor Downforce & Drag

STEM Racing VWT Analysis Software MK8


Analyse the aerodynamics of a STEM Racing car using CFD

VWT Mk8 is a Virtual Wind Tunnel Software, which allows students to easily analyse the aerodynamic characteristics of their car design, using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), which is an integral part of the design process for racing car manufacturers and teams. 

It is used to streamline the car’s shape by predicting its levels of drag and downforce, which can then be optimised to ensure aerodynamic efficiency and that all 4 wheels remain firmly on the ground!

Technical Details

Programming Features

  • Downforce and drag on the body of your car
  • Data graphs of the whole 3D simulation are ready to export
  • Velocity / pressure contour and vector plots, surface contours, iso-surfaces and streamlines

Recommended System Requirements

  • Any standard Windows PC: 7, 8, 10 & 11 
  • The software is both CPU- and RAM-intensive, but 8GB RAM should suffice.  The more RAM the better the performance
  • 2GHz processor speed [minimum], four cores 
  • No special graphics requirements 
  • The software will run on both 32bit and 64bit PCs

Download Software Datasheet

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Virtual Wind Tunnel

STEM Racing VWT Analysis Software MK8


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