VR CNC Milling 6
Virtual Reality (VR) CNC Milling 6 is an improved and updated version of our CNC machine control software for our range of milling machines and routers.

Simplified options for datum setting

Improved tool and work offset features
CNC Machine Tooling Software

Providing users with new machining capabilities.
Virtual Reality (VR) CNC Milling 6 is an improved and updated version of our CNC machine control software, incorporating Denford PCB Manufacturing Software and 2D DXF import facilities, together with a robust ethernet connectivity.
VR CNC Milling 6 has basic and advanced toolbar settings and enhanced features, which provide the user with new machining capabilities, simplified options for datum setting and improved tool and work offset features.
Technical Details
Programming Features
- Program information screen provides fast interactive 3D depiction of tool path.
- Powerful NC code editing options.
- Program pre-scan checks for syntax errors and invalid codes prior to machining.
- Utilities toolbar provides seamless integration with other Denford applications.
- Simplified tool editing with multiple tool types.
VR Simulation Features
- Simulate real machining with highly detailed Virtual Reality.
- Actual cutting of the virtual material in jog mode or program cycle.
- Tables, bases and workholding fixtures are simulated.
- Collision detection: objects change colour when cutter comes into contact with billet, workholding or tables.
- Virtual feed & speed overrides can control the virtual machine.
- Auto datum facility: Program can run without having to set the VR offsets.
Machine Control Features
- Ethernet or USB connectivity – Faster Data Transfer.
- Continuous Path Manufacturing system pre-examines CNC moves to determine optimum change of direction.
- One click datum positioning. Material override mode – Automatically adjusts program feeds & speeds from a pre-set menu.
- Intelligent program restart window allows restart of program from any line.
- Denford Post Processor allows translation of NC programs between different controllers.
VR Milling PCB Import
- Simple “Wizard” program with 3D Graphics. Imports Gerber files from all major PCB design packages.
- Imports Drill files from all major PCB design packages.
- Multi-pass machining strategy increases clearance around tracks.
- Option to create drilling plan from pad hole diameters.
- Option to centre pads, pilot holes or drill all holes. Handles double-sided boards.
- Toolpath simulation.
VR Milling 2D DXF Import
- Simple “Wizard” program with 2D Graphics.
- Integrated Material and Tool Library.
- Imports DXF and DWG files from all major CAD packages:- TechSoft, Pro/DESKTOP, ArtCAM, AutoCAD, CorelDraw etc.
- Multiple cutter path strategies including: Follow Path. Inside Offset (cutter path offset by radius). Outside Offset (cutter path offset by radius). Area Clearance (Offset by outline) with programmable step-over. Area Clearance (Raster) with programmable step over and angle. Drilling cycles. • Intelligent selection of Islands.
- Toolpath simulation
Seamless Import of Techsoft 2D Design Files
The DXF drawing import routine with Denford’s VR CNC Milling V6 operating software works with all versions of Techsoft 2D Design Tools and also with all major CAD packages, without any additional software or post processor being required.
VR Milling V6 has the facility to import DXF, DWG and Gerber files, which then allows multiple toolpaths to be created, with toolpaths generated using the imported vector data.
Recommended System Requirements
- 1 GHz Processor
- 1 GB Memory
- 32 GB Hard Disk
- Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 10 & 11
- OpenGL Graphics Card, or built in Graphics, to support a minimum 1024 x 768 Screen Resolution
- CNC machines require USB or RJ45 Connection
Download Software Datasheet

VR Milling6
CNC Machine Control Software
831 KB | pdf

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